Starting a new business? Have you got full knowledge of the changing legislation? Do you have time to keep up with the multitudes of statutory red tape? Probably not.
Through our Company Secretarial Service offering, we can ensure that you comply with all legislated requirements.
Our statutory services include:
- Conversions of companies and corporations
- Maintenance of statutory records
- Submission of Annual Returns
- Amendments to and registration of statutory details
- Registered Office Facility
- Voluntary liquidations
- Registration of taxes and levies
- Formation and registration of companies and corporations
- Maintaining minutes of meetings
We are also in the best position to advise you on the most appropriate vehicle through which to conduct business - be it a company, close corporation, partnership, trust or sole trader. There are advantages and disadvantages to each of these depending on individual needs and aspirations. An incorrect choice can have unforeseen and expensive consequences.